Here’s a List of Traditional Attires Worn by President Jokowi During MPR Sessions and Indonesian Independence Day Celebrations

President Jokowi delivered a state address at the session of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) while wearing traditional attire from Maluku (Photo: Parlemen).

JAKARTA, PROGRES.ID – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended and delivered a state address at the annual session of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) on Wednesday (16/08/2023). President Jokowi wore the traditional attire of Tanimbar Maluku, while the First Lady wore a yellow kebaya.

President Jokowi often wears traditional clothing from various ethnic groups in Indonesia during state events. In the MPR Annual Session in 2017, he appeared in Bugis traditional attire with a golden songkok and a songket sarong with orange and maroon touches. Then, in the commemoration of Indonesia’s 73rd Independence Day at the State Palace in 2018, the President wore Acehnese traditional attire.
On another occasion, he wore the Sasak traditional attire from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) while delivering a state address in the Joint Session of the People’s Consultative Assembly and the Regional Representative Council in August 2019. The Sasak traditional attire he wore had a brown color with bottoms combined in black, gold, and orange. A keris (traditional dagger) was also visible on the front of the attire.

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In 2020, Jokowi was seen wearing the traditional attire of the Sabu ethnic group from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) during the MPR Annual Session. Then, in 2021, the Head of State wore the traditional attire of the Baduy ethnic group from Banten. In 2022, he chose the traditional attire of Paksian from Bangka Belitung.

While leading the commemoration of Indonesia’s Proclamation of Independence in 2021, the President was seen wearing the Pepadun traditional attire from Lampung. Meanwhile, in 2022, both the Head of State and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo chose to wear traditional attire from Buton, Southeast Sulawesi.(rg)

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