Bing AI Chatbot is Now Available on Android, iOS, and Skype

Bing ChatGPT
Microsoft Bing & ChatGPT

PROGRES.ID – Bing search engine service, powered by ChatGPT, is now available on the Bing mobile app and Microsoft Edge on Android and iOS, as well as Skype. Users are claimed to be able to ask questions ranging from simple to complex. As reported by Mac Rumors on Thursday (23/2/2023), Bing will display answers in the form of bullet points, text, or simplified responses. Like the desktop version, the mobile version of Bing allows for complex searches that can help users with things like planning a trip or researching an item such as a television they plan to buy.

Microsoft also allows users to narrow their search by requesting more details, clarity, and ideas. Not only that, but Bing can also perform creative tasks such as writing emails, creating poems, creating quiz questions for get-togethers, providing preparation for job interviews, and more.

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In addition to expanding availability to more devices besides desktops, Microsoft has also added new requested functionality to Bing, namely voice search. This feature can translate speech to text.

Conversely, the search engine can also convert text to speech in the Microsoft Edge Android app. In addition to mobile usage, Microsoft has added Bing to the Skype messaging service. Bing on Skype can be described as similar to the Discord command bot, but instead of complex commands, users can easily chat and ask for answers like using ChatGPT.

The Bing mobile and Edge apps are available on the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple iOS App Store. Meanwhile, to use Bing on Skype, Microsoft explains that users can easily add Bing to a group. Microsoft said that the integration of Bing will add new useful and fun scenarios and capabilities. However, the Bing app for Android, iOS, and Skype is only available to those who sign up for preview testing through the Microsoft Bing waitlist.

Microsoft stated that there may be bandwidth-related disruptions for a few days, but they are being fixed. Microsoft will also launch Bing preview access as soon as possible for those who are on the waitlist.

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