Unraveling the Mystery of Saranjana City in Kalimantan: Gateway Between the Human and the Mystical

ilustration, Saranjana City in Kalimantan/special

2. Saranjana City in Colonial-Era Maps: An Intriguing Historical Trace

Research reveals that Saranjana City indeed had a historical presence. This mystical city was once documented in the region of South Kalimantan, specifically in the village of Oka-oka, Kotabaru District on Pulau Laut.

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A German naturalist, Salomon Muller, recorded the existence of Saranjana in a map titled “Kaart van de Kust-en Binnenlanden van Banermasing behoorende tot de Reize in het zuidelijke gedelte van Borneo” dating back to 1845.

Despite this map showing Tandjong (hoek) Serandjana, Saranjana City has vanished from modern maps, further deepening the mystery surrounding its existence.

3. Saranjana City: The Unseen Urban Enigma

Despite having no official records on Indonesian maps, the people of Kalimantan remain steadfast in their belief that Saranjana City exists. This city is described as being unseen by the naked eye, visible only to a select few with specific spiritual abilities. How could a city become so hidden?

It is believed that this city possesses a civilization far more advanced than our current understanding, with towering, magnificent buildings. This only adds to the peculiarity surrounding the city’s existence.

4. Saranjana City: A Gateway to a Parallel Dimension?

It remains a mystery how one can access Saranjana City. Some suggest that the city resides in a parallel dimension beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

In Gusti Guna’s journey, he even encountered 20 witnesses who had ventured into the city. However, one of the witnesses experienced mental health issues upon returning. Is this city truly linked to another realm?

Saranjana City continues to be an enticing enigma, and Gusti Guna’s expedition has opened the door to an unforgettable story. Is this truly a gateway between the human and the mystical, or is it a legend that will persist? The answer may forever remain a captivating puzzle for those seeking adventure and mystery in Kalimantan.

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