There Are Pyramids Around Lake Toba, North Sumatra, BRIN Will Uncover Hidden Secrets


PROGRES.ID – Recently, the public has been intrigued by a rather sensational discovery: the finding of pyramids around Lake Toba, North Sumatra. This discovery reminds us of a similar finding at Gunung Padang, Cianjur, West Java, which was a topic of discussion in the past. However, has this discovery undergone further research?

Professor of Research from the Center for Geological Disaster Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Danny Hilman Natwidjaja, explained his findings. Danny, who was also involved in the discovery of pyramids at Gunung Padang, provided information that research related to these pyramids is still in the preliminary research phase.

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“It’s only preliminary research,” he said as quoted from CNBC Indonesia on Friday (29/9/2023).

He explained that the structures found in the Lake Toba region have a shape similar to pyramids, although some of these structures are attached to hills formed from porous rock due to a volcanic eruption approximately 74,000 years ago.

“But it’s clear that the ‘pyramid’ structure is still intact and not buried by soil,” he added.

This discovery certainly raises hopes that further research will reveal more secrets about these pyramids. Therefore, we can look forward to follow-up research that is expected to provide a deeper understanding of this still mysterious discovery.

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