The Ministry of Energy Suggests Pertamax as Subsidized Fuel Option: Further Discussion in Cabinet Meeting

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Illustration (Special)

PROGRES.ID – The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has proposed Pertamax (RON 92) to be included in subsidized fuel options. This decision will be discussed further in a closed meeting regarding air policies at the Presidential Palace on Monday (28/8/2023).

The information was conveyed by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of ESDM, Dadan Kusdiana, after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning Location and Power Supply for Green Hydrogen Production at the Ministry of ESDM office in Jakarta on Monday (28/8/2023).

“We’ll have to wait for it (the fate of Pertamax as a subsidized fuel) since there’s a cabinet meeting today,” Dadan briefly stated.

According to President Joko Widodo’s agenda on Monday (28/8/2023), he is scheduled to hold a closed meeting at 14:00 to discuss the Continued Discussion on Improving Air Quality in the Jabodetabek Area.

Previously, Dadan also mentioned a plan to restrict the distribution of Pertalite fuel (RON 90). On the other hand, the ministry is also considering providing subsidies for Pertamax fuel.

Restriction on Pertalite Fuel
Dadan stated that the plan to limit Pertalite fuel is currently under internal discussion. This decision needs to consider both technical and economic aspects.

“We are currently discussing it, looking at the technical and regulatory aspects as well as the economics, since they differ. But we are still discussing it internally,” Dadan mentioned in Bali, some time ago.

The internal discussions also include the plan to allocate subsidies for Pertamax fuel. “That’s also part of the ongoing discussion,” added Dadan.

He noted that this discussion is held due to the fact that low-octane fuels like Pertalite have a higher potential to contribute to air pollution.

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