Lubang Buaya Monument: Commemorating Historical Events in Indonesia

Lubang Buaya Monument/jurnal asia

PROGRES.ID – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led the ceremony commemorating Pancasila Sanctity Day at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, Lubang Buaya, East Jakarta, on Sunday, October 1, 2023.

In a prior social media post on his personal account, President Joko Widodo expressed that the Pancasila ideology serves as the foundation of Indonesia in facing various global challenges today, such as climate change, food crises, energy crises, economic recessions, and technological disruptions.

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“Amidst these challenges and situations, Indonesia continues to move forward together. We share the burden, and we carry the load together. No matter how heavy the challenges and obstacles, with President Joko Widodo as our foundation, we hold hands and unite towards a progressive Indonesia,” the President stated on his Twitter account, @Jokowi.

The Lubang Buaya Monument or Pancasila Sakti is a historical site located in Jakarta, Indonesia. This site holds significant meaning in Indonesia’s history as it is associated with important events that occurred during the struggle for Indonesia’s independence.

1. History of the Lubang Buaya Monument

The Lubang Buaya Monument serves as a reminder of the events that transpired on October 1, 1965, which marked the peak of the September 30 Movement. This movement was a military coup attempt aimed at overthrowing President Sukarno’s government. On that fateful night, six Indonesian generals were kidnapped and killed in the area now known as Lubang Buaya.

This event later became the pretext for the New Order government under the leadership of General Soeharto to seize power. For decades, the official narrative provided by the Soeharto government about these events clashed with the accounts presented by various political opposition groups, resulting in controversy.

2. Monument and Museum

The Lubang Buaya Monument consists of two main components: a heroic statue and a museum. The heroic statue is a monument depicting a man raising a rifle upwards, symbolizing the spirit of struggle. The statue faces the graves of the fallen generals.

The Lubang Buaya Museum is an equally important part of this site. Inside the museum, visitors can find various artifacts and information related to the events of 1965 and the New Order period. There are also exhibitions portraying the life and career of Soeharto.

3. Significance

The Lubang Buaya Monument holds significant importance in Indonesian history as it reminds us of a challenging and controversial period in the nation’s journey towards independence. This site also serves as a place of remembrance for the heroes who perished during these events.

Moreover, Lubang Buaya plays a crucial role in efforts toward reconciliation and historical resolution in Indonesia. Various community groups strive to express their versions of these events and promote national reconciliation.

4. Visitation and Education

The Lubang Buaya Monument welcomes visitors from both domestic and international locations, as well as students from across Indonesia. It is often used for commemorative events and national ceremonies. The museum offers an opportunity for the younger generation to understand Indonesia’s history and the importance of maintaining peace and unity.

5. Accessibility and Facilities

The Lubang Buaya Monument is easily accessible from various parts of Jakarta and provides adequate parking facilities. Visitors can enjoy the well-maintained green surroundings and gardens surrounding the site.

In preserving the memory of these historical events, the Lubang Buaya Monument remains an important place to visit in Jakarta. It teaches us not to forget our history, advocates for reconciliation, and fosters a spirit of unity as Indonesia moves towards a brighter future.


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