10 Natural Treasures of Indonesia’s UNESCO Global Geoparks


PROGRES.ID– UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGG) is a special award given by UNESCO to some of the best geoparks in the world. A geopark is a region that exhibits extraordinary geological features, and in which local communities participate in the protection and preservation of the natural heritage that exists there. Indonesia currently has 10 geoparks that have been recognized by UNESCO.

On Friday, September 29, 2023, the following is a list of the 10 Indonesian geoparks that have been recognized by UNESCO, as reported on the Kemenparekraf website;

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Geopark Batur
Located in Kintamani, Bangli, Bali, Mount Batur is an active volcano with an altitude of 1717 meters above sea level. Mount Batur is known as a popular tourist destination in Bangli with its crater, caldera, and lake that captivates anyone who visits it.

The caldera is so large, and the lake is crescent-shaped, making Mount Batur one of the UNESCO Global Geoparks on September 20, 2012. Mount Batur also has Trunyan Village as a tourist village with the uniqueness of its burial tradition. If usually the corpse is buried, in Trunyan the corpse is simply laid on the ground.

Geopark Gunung Sewu
A series of mountains that stretch along the southern coast of Gunung Kidul Regency DIY, Wonogiri Regency in Central Java, to Tulungagung Regency in East Java, is called Pegunungan Sewu. Located in Gunungkidul (DIY), Wonogiri (Central Java), Pacitan (East Java)

As a characteristic, the mountains have limestone, as well as unique and beautiful karst areas. Consisting of 40,000 karst hills, the karst area in Pegunungan Sewu is the longest in Java.

Geopark Gunung Ciletuh
The only one in West Java, Geopark Ciletuh carries the concept of managing the region that harmonizes its biodiversity, geology, and culture through the principles of conservation, education, and sustainable development in eight sub-districts in Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, with an area of 128,000 hectares. Various potentials that exist in Ciletuh such as mountain landscapes, waterfalls, rice fields, and fields make it one of the UNESCO Global Geoparks since 2015.

Geopark Rinjani
With an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level and known as the second highest volcano in Indonesia, Mount Rinjani was designated as one of the UNESCO Global Geoparks on April 12, 2018. Because of its beauty, Mount Rinjani is a favorite mountain for hikers and nature lovers in Indonesia. Mount Rinjani National Park has an area of 41,330 hectares. Semeti Beach to the east of Tanjung Ringgit is also included in the Geopark Gunung Rinjani area, Lombok, NTB

Geopark Belitung
Having a diversity of geology, such as natural landscapes, rocks, minerals, geological and tectonic processes, and the evolution of the earth that has occurred in Belitung, makes this Geopark located in the Bangka Belitung Islands included in the UNESCO Global Geopark list. Another attraction of this geopark is the combination of its cultural, biological, and geographical aspects that are interrelated. In addition, the diverse fauna and flora that live in Belitung also add to the appeal of this geopark.

Danau Toba Caldera
Geopark Kaldera Toba Sumatra Utara Since 2020, it has been included in the UNESCO Global Geopark list because of its biodiversity and culture. In addition, the development of creative economy and tourism institutions, as well as its diverse landscapes, also make this geopark included in the UNESCO Global Geopark list. However, Danau Toba, which holds the status of UNESCO Global Geopark, has recently come under scrutiny. Its status is threatened with being revoked because UNESCO has issued a yellow card against the management of this Geopark. This is because the Danau Toba management board is considered to have not been optimal in developing the area. UNESCO then required the Danau Toba management organization to improve for two years. If not achieved, the Geopark Kaldera Toba is threatened with a red card or being removed from the UNESCO Global Geopark list.

Geopark Ijen

Located in East Java, Ijen is one of the geoparks in Indonesia that is included in the UNESCO Global Geopark list. The uniqueness of geology, biology, culture, and the world-famous blue fire phenomenon in the Mount Ijen area are a unique attraction of this geopark.

Administrative, this geopark with the world’s most acidic lake is located in two regions, namely Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency. Geopark Ijen is also filled with 14 species of flora, 27 species of fauna, and 6 species of mammals.

Geopark Maros Pangkep

Located in South Sulawesi, Geopark Maros Pangkep has world-class landscapes with tower karst type, which rise high and are composed of distinctive limestone rocks.

Not just having world-class karst landscapes, this geopark, known as the second largest karst area in the world after South China, has flora and fauna as well as high scientific and socio-cultural values. Hundreds of caves that were once the home of prehistoric humans also add another uniqueness to this UNESCO Global Geopark Mareos Pangkep. Even, caves that are home to hundreds of species of butterflies.

Geopark Merangin

One of the geoparks in Indonesia that is also included in the UNESCO Global Geopark list is Geopark Merangin. One of the uniqueness of this geopark is the Jambi flora fossils it has. This is evidenced by the presence of plant fossils found in some rock formations that are estimated to have existed since 296 million years ago. The types of flora fossils found in Geopark Merangin Jambi are diverse, ranging from mosses, primitive coniferous plants, and ferns that reproduce through seed dispersal. In addition, this geopark is also named as one of the best rafting spots. This is because tourists can raft down the Batang Merangin River while seeing fossils at several stopover points.

Geopark Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is the newest UNESCO Global Geopark in Indonesia. Raja Ampat Geopark has a cluster of karst islands that are estimated to be around 439 million years old, located on Misool Island.

One of the reasons why Raja Ampat deserves to be designated as a UNESCO Global Geopark is because of the diverse marine ecosystems it has. This is because until now, Raja Ampat Geopark is home to various types of endemic animals and plants that cannot be found in any part of the world.

Indonesia is a country with a wealth of natural resources, including geoparks. The 10 UNESCO Global Geoparks in Indonesia are a testament to the country’s natural beauty and diversity. These geoparks are important for conservation and sustainable development, and they offer a unique opportunity for tourists to learn about the geological and biological history of Indonesia.

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