This Viral Tourist Spot in Bandung: Tepi Kota Healing


BANDUNG, PROGRES.ID – It’s the weekend already. Need some healing? But limited budget? No need to worry, even with a limited budget, Tepi Kota Healing is here as an enjoyable solution. With an entrance ticket priced at only Rp10,000, visitors can indulge in a richly facilitated travel experience. This place offers an outdoor ambiance that is kid-friendly and ideal for family exploration.

Tepi Kota Healing is located at Jalan Padang Golf No. 1, Arcamanik, Bandung City. If you’re interested in trying out various attractions and activities, there are additional costs ranging from around Rp10,000 to Rp40,000.
“We don’t sell package prices to ensure Tepi Kota visitors can experience happiness with just Rp10,000,” explained Intan Setiati, the Public Relations officer of Tepi Kota Healing.

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Occupying an area of approximately 5 hectares, Tepi Kota Healing offers various facilities such as horseback riding, feeding rabbits, sheep, birds, and geese.
Additionally, there are other interesting activity options to try when visiting Tepi Kota Healing, including cycling or riding an electric scooter around the tourist area. The area also provides several intriguing photo spots, as well as a children’s play area with a flying fox, slides, water train, and much more.

After enjoying a series of activities and feeling hungry, you can visit the restaurant, Warung Lodeh, or the coffee shop within the Tepi Kota Healing complex. The menu here is also affordable and fits within your budget.

Tepi Kota Healing is open every day with the following operating hours:

Weekdays: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Weekends: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM


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