TikTok Shop Closed, Customer Vouchers Expire!


PROGRES.ID – TikTok Shop will cease its sales service starting Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 5:00 PM WIB. This announcement comes from TikTok Indonesia through their official news page on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

“Our top priority is to respect and comply with the regulations and laws in Indonesia,” said TikTok Indonesia on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

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This closure has raised many questions, especially from the customer’s perspective, particularly regarding the fate of vouchers that have been used during shopping.

According to TikTok’s FAQ page, unused vouchers will lose their validity and be considered void.

Furthermore, the value of vouchers used on canceled or refunded orders will not be restored to users.

Regarding shipping fees, refunds will depend on the reasons for the fund return.

It’s important to note that the closure of TikTok Shop will not affect users’ TikTok accounts. TikTok made the announcement of the closure through its official TikTok website.

On the official TikTok.com website, TikTok explains that TikTok Shop Indonesia will stop facilitating e-commerce transactions starting October 4, 2023, as a sign of respect for the laws in Indonesia.

“Our top priority is to respect and comply with the regulations and laws in Indonesia. Therefore, we will no longer facilitate e-commerce transactions within TikTok Shop Indonesia, effective from October 4, 5:00 PM WIB,” TikTok stated.

TikTok also expresses its readiness to continue coordinating with the Indonesian government regarding future steps and plans of the company.

The Indonesian government has issued Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 31 of 2023 as an improvement to Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 50 of 2020 on September 26. This policy aims to create equal and fair rules for e-commerce in Indonesia.

One key point of this policy is the prohibition of social media platforms merging with e-commerce. This is done to prevent potential market monopolies and unhealthy competition.

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