Prabowo Subianto’s Strength Grows Stronger, Anies-Ganjar Need to Be Cautious!


PROGRES.ID – Prabowo Subianto’s strength as a prospective presidential candidate (Bacapres) is becoming more prominent with strong support from the coalition he has formed. This goes beyond the number of supporting parties but also involves the largest number of votes and the most seats based on the 2019 Legislative Election (Pileg) results. Therefore, the camp of Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo, who may also compete in the 2024 presidential election (pilpres), needs to be cautious in facing Prabowo’s formidable strength.

As the Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) and a prospective presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto has garnered full support from Gerindra Party. The coalition he leads is known as the Coalition for Indonesia Forward (Koalisi Indonesia Maju or KIM), consisting of several parties that support Prabowo in the 2024 presidential election, including Golkar, PAN, and the Democratic Party.

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Based on the 2019 Pileg vote results, the Prabowo coalition holds the largest number of votes with a total of 53.9 million votes, approximately 43% of the total votes cast. This makes KIM the coalition with the largest parliamentary support, controlling 261 seats in the parliament.

KIM’s strength is particularly evident in several Electoral Districts (Daerah Pemilihan or Dapil), especially in West Java. Four Dapils in West Java are dominated by KIM with votes exceeding 1 million.

In addition to West Java, Dapils with vote counts exceeding 1 million controlled by KIM are also found in East Java XI and Banten III. The political influence of these two parties is reflected in the legislative vote calculations for the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) in 2019, which indicates their national strength.

Gerindra, leading Prabowo’s ‘gang,’ has the largest contribution to this coalition with a total vote count of 17.2 million votes, approximately 12.51%. Gerindra is dominant in the West Java Dapil.

Golkar is the second-largest party in the coalition with a vote count of 16.7 million votes, approximately 12.15%. This party holds sway in the West Java, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi Dapils.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party commands 10.5 million votes, approximately 7.64% of the total vote count. The majority of Democratic Party votes come from the East Java, West Java, and Lampung Dapils.

PAN also plays a significant role in the KIM coalition with a vote count of approximately 928.5 thousand votes, around 6.74% of the total vote count. The party managed to secure votes in regions outside of Java, especially in the Papua and West Sumatra Dapils.

The regions that have traditionally been the main supporters of Prabowo should be of serious concern to the Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo camps in their preparations for the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo’s solid support in these areas represents significant potential in the upcoming political competition.


Source: CNBC Indonesia

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