Indonesian Court Orders Postponement of 2024 General Election Due to Unlawful Act by General Elections Commission

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JAKARTA, PROGRES.ID – The Central Jakarta District Court has ordered the General Elections Commission (KPU) to postpone the 2024 General Election and restart the election process from scratch.

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“Punishing the defendant (KPU) not to carry out the remaining stages of the 2024 General Election since this decision is announced and implementing the stages of the General Election from the beginning for about 2 years, 4 months, 7 days,” as quoted from a copy of the decision on Thursday, March 2, 2023.

The decision was announced by the panel of judges on Thursday, March 2, 2023. The Chief Justice who presided over the case was T. Oyong, with judges H. Bakri and Dominggus Silaban serving as members.

The panel of judges declared that the KPU had committed an unlawful act. The unlawful act in question was that the KPU stated that the Prima Party did not meet the requirements in the political party administration verification stage for election candidates.

Following this decision, the Prima Party filed a civil suit with the Central Jakarta District Court in December 2022. As a result, the Panel of Judges granted the lawsuit by ordering the KPU to postpone the 2024 General Election.

In addition to the postponement, the court also imposed a fine of IDR 500 million on the KPU as material compensation. The court also stated that the plaintiff, the Prima Party, was the political party that was disadvantaged in the administration verification stage.

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