Top 10 Best-Selling Car Brands in 2023 in Indonesia, Toyota Continues to Dominate

PROGRES.ID – Toyota continues to maintain its position as the best-selling car brand in wholesale car sales in July 2023 in Indonesia. This data is based on a report released by the Indonesian Association of Motor Vehicle Producers (Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia or Gaikindo) a few days ago.

In the report, Toyota’s dominance as the most popular car brand in wholesale sales throughout the past month remains unshaken. In July 2023, Toyota managed to deliver its products from the factory to dealers, totaling 30,029 units.

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This figure makes Toyota the only car brand capable of surpassing the 30 thousand mark. On the other hand, other car brands were unable to achieve wholesale sales of more than 20 thousand units.

As for retail sales, Toyota recorded a total of 25,908 units. However, this figure experienced a decrease compared to the previous month’s total of 26,092 units.

Daihatsu, which held the second position in the list of best-selling car brands in July 2023, only managed to record wholesale sales of 15,821 units. Meanwhile, its retail sales reached 15,373 units.

Ranking third on the list of best-selling car brands in July 2023 is Honda, which managed to deliver its products from the factory to dealers, totaling 10,626 units. Meanwhile, its retail sales reached 9,009 units.

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