What Is WhatsApp Plus? Features and WA Plus Version 17.55 Download Link

PROGRES.IDWhatsApp Plus is a MOD or modification of the basic WhatsApp application that brings all the main features loved by users, along with enhancements of various features desired by users.

While there are many alternative WhatsApp applications, WhatsApp Plus stands out with its unique offerings.

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Firstly, WhatsApp Plus doesn’t function as an add-on to the basic WhatsApp platform, so users won’t lose any special benefits when updates are made. Likewise, the app retains most of the main WhatsApp user interface (UI) and functionalities, making it relatively easy for users to adapt.

With these considerations and more, it’s no surprise that WhatsApp Plus is the top choice for those who want the best instant messaging experience.

What Makes WhatsApp Plus Special?
If WhatsApp Plus only offered what’s already in regular WhatsApp, there’d be no reason to pay it extra attention. The good news is that WhatsApp Plus comes with many new features that are appealing to interested users.

As a bonus, this independent app’s developers are always a few steps ahead of the official WhatsApp team, so let’s discuss some standout features of WhatsApp Plus:

The only visual modification you can make in regular WhatsApp is changing the chat background, and not much more. You can’t explore various layout options, change profile colors, or make other visual modifications.

This is where WhatsApp Plus comes in with a variety of beautiful themes – there are already over 700 themes – to provide a customized chat experience for you. With a waiting library of themes, even more themes are continuously added by the app’s development team.

Although WhatsApp already has a lot of emojis and emoticons to choose from, WhatsApp Plus goes a step further by providing more options.

If you’re a fan of Google Hangouts and its fantastic emojis, you’ll prefer WhatsApp Plus as they incorporate the same emoji set to expand the already rich library.

Perhaps the biggest selling point for WhatsApp Plus users is its privacy protocols.

The official app allows you to hide Read Receipts, disabling the blue checkmarks when you read messages. This also makes your contacts unaware of when you view their status updates. However, there are downsides to all of this.

By enabling such features, you also lose the right to see blue checkmarks when your messages are read or to know who has viewed your status updates. Fortunately, WhatsApp Plus has no such restrictions.

This means you can maintain your privacy without sacrificing the same features from the other end of the conversation. A win-win, right?

In addition to hiding the blue checkmarks and status update notifications, WhatsApp Plus also lets you disable the second checkmark so that contacts don’t know when your messages have been delivered to you.

Even in groups or other chats, you can disable recording notifications when you’re recording – or ensure contacts don’t know when you’ve opened an audio file.

User Interface
In addition to the option of using custom themes, WhatsApp Plus allows you to tailor your chat interface to your liking. From font type and size to colors, there’s almost no part of the user experience that you can’t customize to your preference.

When it’s all said and done, you can be sure that your chat screenshots will stand out from the rest.

Contact List Requirements
Official WhatsApp requires you to add a contact to your contact list before you can send them messages. You don’t have to worry about all of that with WhatsApp Plus.

As long as the contact you’re messaging has a WhatsApp account and is linked to the phone number you’re messaging, you don’t need to save them.

Enhanced Media Sharing
Many users have complained about quality issues when sending files through the original WhatsApp platform. When those files aren’t heavily compressed, they may be limited in sending due to their file size.

In WhatsApp Plus, the file size requirements have been enhanced, allowing for sharing heavier files and longer videos without the need for prior compression or splitting.

Similarly, improved image quality is guaranteed – because this service doesn’t need to compress before sending. Keep in mind that this may make the files take a bit longer to send (though not significantly), but you’ll get the highest quality and resolution when the file goes out.

Chat Embedding
For some people, not being able to embed more than three (3) chats in regular WhatsApp can be frustrating. For those who follow many groups that they don’t want to miss important messages from, it can be a significant challenge.

In WhatsApp Plus, the chat embedding limitation has been increased to as many as 1000, giving you all the chat embedding functionality you need.

Other Key Features
Several other features are included in WhatsApp Plus that make it superior to the official app.

WhatsApp Plus is not developed by META; therefore, you should be aware of the potential risks, such as your device being infiltrated by malware and the use of personal data. While there have been no complaints regarding this so far, precaution is needed.

Download Link

You can download WhatsApp Plus version 17.55 (October 2023 update) on its official developer’s website at:

  • androidwaves.com/download-whatsapp-plus/
  • https://www.mediafire.com/file/gxxfpxega4ny1a8/WhatsApp_Plus_v17.55.apk/file

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