Unraveling the Mystery of Saranjana City in Kalimantan: Gateway Between the Human and the Mystical

ilustration, Saranjana City in Kalimantan/special

PROGRES.ID – Fearless explorer Gusti Guna, in a post on X, has embarked on an unforgettable adventure in Kalimantan. His destination? Saranjana City, regarded by the locals as the gateway between the human world and the mystical.

During this mysterious journey, he seeks to unveil the truth behind the existence of this city.

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Previously, Saranjana City was known as a mystical city with a civilization far more advanced than other cities in Indonesia. Many have claimed that the city is adorned with magnificent skyscrapers. But the question remains, does this city truly exist, or is it merely a myth? Here are some intriguing facts about Saranjana City.

1. The Origin of the Name Saranjana: The First Key to Unlock the Secret

From an etymological perspective, the name “Saranjana” shares a resemblance with the word “Sarangtiung.” Saranjana is situated in the southern part of Pulau Laut, while Sarangting is in the north. Is there a deeper connection between these two places? To answer that, further investigation is required.

Language analysis indicates the presence of the word “sarang” in the place’s name, but this is still speculative and lacks concrete evidence. In the context of Indian vocabulary, “Saranjana” can also be interpreted as “land granted,” but this viewpoint remains unconfirmed.

2. Saranjana City in Colonial-Era Maps: An Intriguing Historical Trace

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