Ehang 216, Flying Taxis to Shuttle as Public Transportation in IKN Indonesia

Ehang 216, Flying Taxis/special

PROGRES.ID – Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) and also the Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (Ikatan Motor Indonesia or IMI), Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet), has proposed the use of the Ehang 216 flying taxi in the National Capital Region (Ibu Kota Negara or IKN) of Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) recently tried sitting inside the cabin of the Ehang 216 flying taxi, creating interesting headlines in the world of transportation. Bamsoet, who is also the Chairman of MPR RI, spoke about the plan to use Ehang flying taxis in the National Capital Region (IKN) of Indonesia.

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During his conversation with leaders of other countries and members of the Indonesian Cabinet while inaugurating the Whoosh high-speed train with President Joko Widodo, Bamsoet expressed his support for the IKN’s plan to build a modern, electric, and pollution-free transportation ecosystem as the future mode of transportation. This aligns with the President’s vision of futuristic transportation for IKN.

Bamsoet directly presented the specifications of the Ehang 216 and its various advantages to President Jokowi, revealing that this flying taxi is ready for use in IKN. “The Autonomous Aerial Vehicle, EHang 216, is, God willing, very ready to be used in IKN and all across Indonesia as a mode of transportation. This advanced vehicle is 100% electric, environmentally friendly, and has already been used in various parts of the world, not only for cargo but also for passengers,” he explained, as quoted from Detikcom.

Rudy Salim, Executive Chairman of Prestige Aviation, added that Urban Air Mobility, such as the Ehang flying taxi, is the future of transportation in Indonesia. He expressed his readiness to invest and conduct test flights in IKN.

“We can provide the best contribution to this nation. We are ready to invest and conduct test flights in IKN, just like EHang, which has successfully flown with passengers in several countries, including the Netherlands, Austria, and China,” said Rudy.

Ehang has successfully completed more than 30,000 flights, both for transporting goods and passengers, in various countries, including Indonesia. The autonomous flight technology of the EHang 216 eliminates the possibility of failure or damage caused by human error, ensuring its safety.

In Indonesia, Ehang 216 conducted a demo flight in Bali in November 2021 through a collaboration with Prestige Aviation and IMI. This flying taxi has also collaborated with the Indonesian National Police (Polri) in disaster monitoring at Mount Semeru. Additionally, Ehang has successfully conducted various demo flights, including at Pondok Cabe Airport, the JIEXpo area during the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS), and most recently, at the Periklindo Electric Vehicle Show 2022.

“The ergonomic design of the EHang 216 with foldable arms makes this flying taxi effective for urban use. It saves parking space as it only requires an area of 5 square meters. The EHang 216 successfully flies seamlessly point-to-point within the city, with costs not far from premium taxis,” Rudy explained.

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