Goodbye TikTok Shop! 9 Best-Selling Categories on TikTok Shop

TikTok Shop ilustration/Freepic

PROGRES.ID – TikTok Shop will cease its sales service starting Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 5:00 PM WIB. This announcement comes from TikTok Indonesia through their official news page on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

“Our top priority is to respect and comply with the regulations and laws in Indonesia,” said TikTok Indonesia on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

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The top-selling categories on TikTok Shop include beauty and personal care products, followed by food and beverages. Additionally, there are several other product categories that are also favored by TikTok Shop users, such as electronics, household appliances, digital products, and mother and baby essentials.

“What are the top-selling categories purchased by the Indonesian community on TikTok Shop? The number one is fashion and accessories,” said Sitaresti in Jakarta as reported by

According to Sita, one of the factors driving TikTok users to shop is the promotions and discounts offered. Nearly 90 percent of TikTok users admit that they prefer to shop during mega sale periods due to these promotions.

Furthermore, another factor motivating TikTok users to shop is cashback offers, rewards, and the desire to try out new products offered during special sales periods.

Here is a list of the best-selling products on TikTok:

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